Together Everyone Achieves More
Mrs McKeown's Update 26th Feb 202126 February 2021 (by Martin Coyne (m.coyne)) |
Just five more days of home learning and then we can all be back together again. The weather is improving and Spring is on it's way which always helps to keep us all happy and positive. If you have any questions on how it will be from March 8th please do not hesitate to contact me but as I have mentioned before in one of my updates , my intention is to open fully as we did in September with the continued staggered starts and ends to the day, staggered playtimes and lunchtimes . Reception and KS1 children to be accompanied onto school grounds by one adult via the long path near Bluebells nursery and exit via the main school car park gate with KS2 parents leaving children at the main front gate to enter school to their classes. Can I urge you all to not congregate near the school gates or in small groups, to continue to wear your masks and be aware of other people near to you so we can try and keep Covid at bay . As before if there is a positive case in school the bubble will have to close and remote learning will start again . I am sure, like me, you are keen for this not to happen so if you or your child are showing any symptoms please keep them off school and consider a family test.
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