Together Everyone Achieves More
Mrs McKeown's Update Monday 13th July13 July 2020 (by Martin Coyne (m.coyne)) |
Thank you to all of you for what you have been doing for your children over the last few months. I know it hasn't been easy for any of you and just like you we are concerned over the impact it has had on your child . Whether it be academic progress or their wellbeing and mental health. All children regardless of their need will have some issues they need to address. This could be change of routine, not being able to see family for a while, not being able to see friends like they used to. Teachers are planning a number of extra activities that will enable your child to have time to share their experiences and to again become accustomed to a school routine and expectations. If you are needing any support I have attached some guidance you may choose to use or leave until another time.
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