Together Everyone Achieves More
Mrs McKeown's update Monday 1st June1 June 2020 (by Martin Coyne (m.coyne)) |
Plans for Possible Year 1 phased return.
We are still hoping as a school that Year 1 will be able to return to school next week Wednesday to Friday. Mrs Calvert has the list of children who will be returning and she will be in touch with you during the week.Children will be in two bubbles . A and B. A will be with Mrs Ramalli and Mrs Gillgrass in Year 1 and 2 classrooms and B will be with Mrs Calvert and Mrs Oldfield in the Reception classroom. Please find attached the directions we would like you to follow when you drop off your child and pick them up . The day will start at 9.15 until 2.45.. We would appreciate parents making sure they are on time for both drop off and pick up.
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