Together Everyone Achieves More
Mrs McKeown's Update Thursday 21st May21 May 2020 (by Martin Coyne (m.coyne)) |
Discussions between central and local Government continue along with union talks. I will only be sure of any further action next week. In the meantime we are preparing for the phased reopening including making sure classrooms are set up according to guidelines sent through . Teachers in Reception class, Year 1 and 6 will send photos through to you once done. This will allow you to show your children so they can be prepared before entering school.
Nearer the time I will share with you thoughts on how we would like your children to enter school site , wait for the classteacher and our continued handwashing processes. I don't want the children or you to come back unprepared to changes that have inevitably been put into place. By sending home photos this will be a talking point for you all at home which may prompt questions I would be happy to answer.
Mrs McKeown
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